About US

The Raise Up Foundation is a Luton-based charity, bringing together the knowledge and expertise of grassroots organisations, local stakeholders, and relevant partners to support young people and their families in our town.

Luton is a super-diverse, vibrant town with the third youngest population in the country. Our young people are hugely aspirational, though many are growing up with significant challenges. 46% of the children in our town are living in poverty and 26% of families are living in relative poverty, impacting on the health, well-being and educational outcomes of our young people. This disadvantage is often compounded for those from minoritised communities, who may face additional barriers. In the UK today, the life chances of young people remain strongly liNked to their parent’s socio-economic backgrounds.

The Raise Up Foundation is committed to ensuring that our young people are able to realise their potential with targeted support, guidance and training programmes to equip them with the tools to help overcome these disadvantages. We also seek to challenge institutional barriers to social mobility and promote inclusive values and equity of access to opportunity.

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